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[ Wonderment ] - Intensity of generated fundamentals and corresponding harmonic content.

[ 4 Way Switch ] - Number of fundamentals generated.

PCB Level Controls

[ True/Buff ] - True bypass or buffered bypass.

The Great Fantabulizing Whatsitdo (dark green)
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Flat $20 shipping everywhere else.

If out of stock, please feel free to contact us regarding availability.


Electronic Audio Wonderment Device

  • Recursive octave fuzz? Envelope following anti-filter? Analog pitch shifter? Angry robotic bee generator!?  What's it do!?

  • Say hello to the most difficult to describe guitar pedal we have ever developed, or probably will ever develop.

  • This warps and distorts your waveform, generating higher-frequency fundamentals along with their corresponding  overdriven spectra. Harder you play, stronger the effect.


  • 100% analog, 300% total harmonic distortion.

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