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[ Wonderment ] - Intensity of generated fundamentals and corresponding harmonic content.
[ 4 Way Switch ] - Number of fundamentals generated.
PCB Level Controls
[ True/Buff ] - True bypass or buffered bypass.
The Great Fantabulizing Whatsitdo (dark green)
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Flat $20 shipping everywhere else.
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Electronic Audio Wonderment Device
Recursive octave fuzz? Envelope following anti-filter? Analog pitch shifter? Angry robotic bee generator!? What's it do!?
Say hello to the most difficult to describe guitar pedal we have ever developed, or probably will ever develop.
This warps and distorts your waveform, generating higher-frequency fundamentals along with their corresponding overdriven spectra. Harder you play, stronger the effect.
100% analog, 300% total harmonic distortion.
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